Dad Wants The Steak..
There is nothing more manly for Dad’s big day than a big juicy steak. Many have said Father’s Day is enhanced by the aroma, texture, and flavor of prime steak. In the hands of a journeymen steakhouse like Williamsburg’s Fireside Chophouse it becomes beef nirvana. That is why I have some reservations about this cheeky Father’s Day gift I have so online. The A1 scented candle.
Though amusing and eye catching the novelty falls short of the excellence we want to associate with Father’s Day. Father’s Day is about that genuine great goodness that is our patriarch. While I know many like and use A-1 on their beef, it is not something I would want to enjoy as a refreshing candle smell to invokes manliness.
Steak Seasoning Candles Or The Scent Of Mediocrity
Let us be honest. While A1 is popular with many people, in many cases it is the taste of failure. It is a bottled potion of pre-made bottled flavors to mask beef that kinda fell short. Not in every case, but many. It is like a parachute of flavorings for that dinner that just can’t soar to the heights of great taste.
The Wrong Message To Dad
This is not a message I want to send to Dad. It is almost like you are saying he falls short. As the summer progresses and the lights go out due to the next lightning storm he will reach for a candle. Once he lights the smell of strained tomatoes and common seasonings the smell of falling short will go through the house.
Not on my watch..
Give Dad The Real Thing…At Our Steakhouse
Skip the middleman and bring Dad in for a real steak at Fireside Chophouse of Williamsburg. If he wants A1 sauce, great…just no candle.