Williamsburg Steakhouse: Dry Aging The Steaks

Williamsburg Steakhouse and dry aging the steaks

One of the many secrets that makes a steak a Williamsburg steakhouse steak versus just a good steak is dry aging

The term Williamsburg steakhouse or just steakhouse has a special meaning. There are restaurants that serve great steaks but it is a steakhouse that follows a number of very difficult things to make a steak taste incredible. It is not hype, it is science and quality. One of the things that part of this criteria is dry aging.

Dry Aging Steaks

I could sum up the three benefits of dry aging with this video I have added to this page. The science is very sound and simple. Dry aging is a natural chemical process that creates the steak you get at Fireside Chophouse in Williamsburg, Virginia. It is not marketing fluff or a gimmick but is a real biochemical process changing the piece of meat over a number of days.

Dry Aging Steak to Create Williamsburg Steakhouse Quality Beef does three key things

  1. Water evaporates, concentrating flavor in the steak more intensely. Think of water as kind of a filler that is not helping the taste.
  2. Enzymes tenderize the meat. The natural chemical process of meat breaking down softens the steak making it tender
  3. Finally new flavors emerge as the beef goes through this process. I call it the steakhouse flavor, something that is not really that is easy to do.

Now the cut of meat still matters. Think Ribeye, Porterhouse or T-Bone.

The grade matters too since only prime beef should be aged.

Then the cooking method of searing then slow cooking will guarantee that you do not lose that flavor or tenderness.

Finally pairing it with the right wine is almost important. Think robust red for something this thick,rich, and complex in flavor.

Should I try this at home

There are about a bazillion articles and videos touting the DIY dry aging theory. Yes you could simulate the process but it is going to be tricky but  it worth the extra hassle. Come to Fireside Steakhouse and enjoy our steakhouse without having to dry age your own beef. You will taste the difference.